Sunday 9 May 2010


Another PIXAR, this one being equally as amazing as all of the others. It tells the tale of an unexpected hero- a robot that cleans up rubbish in a deserted planet Earth. The narrative is quirky and strange but the characters adorable (especially the feelings that our protagonist develops for the character "Eve". The animations again are perfect and the story line flows incredibly well, with hilarious moments- particularly when you see what has become of the human race. The music (by James Newton Howard) is very fitting and beautiful sounding- also portraying moods in scenes very effectively. There are also moments that will have you hiding behind a cushion or at the edge of your seat, as the pace becomes intense and certain characters taken a sudden, sinister turn. Just like any other PIXAR movie, this is perfect to watch alone, with family, with friends or, well, anyone at any time...

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