Tuesday 4 May 2010

The Incredibles- PIXAR

The next film for me to recommend is PIXAR's The Incredibles. This feature length family adventure had me engaged form start to finish. The story follows a family of super heroes who are trying to live as civilians- having being banned from using their powers (due to certain incidents that are explained at the beginning of the film). A host of other characters dominate the film, such as my favorites- the super cool Frozone and the fussy super suit fashion designer Edna Mode. This memorable film will have you laughing, smiling and shocked to the edge of your seat. It is a beautifully animated, fantastical adventure complimented by twists and turns in the plot and stunning fight sequences that when first viewed by me, had me grinning the whole time. Out of all the powers that are represented in the movie, the youngest family member Jack Jack has my favorite- an extremely unexpected power. I will be interested to know what other people think about the movie and the powers...

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